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Antineoplastic properties from Walsucochinone C, a new limonoid compound discovered from Walsura cochinchinensis of Long An

Nhan moi (Walsura cochinchinensis, Meliacece) which proliferates mostly in plains and woodland biomes of Vietnam. 

Numerous past researches indicated limonoids extracted from this type of plants were discovered to possess very complicated structures and shows PC12 cell protection potency against H2O2-induced toxicity as well as inhibiting 11?-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase class 1.

In a research published in Fitoterapia Journal (2019) by Professor Nguyen Dieu Lien Hoa et al., from ethyl acetate fraction of Nhan moi extract, three new limonoid compounds were isolated and were identified as walsucohinone A-C (1-3) along with 8 other known compounds. The chemical structures of these 3 new compounds were also identified using NMR, IR and HR-ESIMS spectroscopies. 

Cấu trúc các hợp chất Walsucochinone A-C (1-3)

The biological effect of these 3 compounds was examing using on SRB examination model. The results demonstrated that Walsucochinone C has significant toxicity impacting on breast cancer cell line MCF-7 with IC50 16.4 ± 0.2 µM. Through further study, the structure-activity relationship of this compound was suggested. 

This research project was supported by National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) and published on Fitoterapia Journal number 133 (March 2019), IF index number 2.917. 
This research project acknowledged contributions and participations from Dr. Pham Phuoc Dien and Dr. Nguyen Dinh Hiep, lecturers from Faculty of Pharmacy, Ton Duc Thang University. 

Full text of this research could be accessed here.